Due to the number of choices available, we prefer not to sell sofas online. In order to choose the sofa that's best for you, we recommend contacting us or visiting our showroom, where you can try the comfort and see fabric samples. Not all of the sofas on our website are in our showroom. If you're interested in a specific model, please check the product listing to see whether you can try it in store.
Bellice by Leolux
Centquatre by Duvivier
Exclusif by Ligne Roset
Flint by Leolux
Lodge by Duvivier
Long Island by Ligne Roset
Mags Soft by HAY
Manarola by Ligne Roset
Mariposa by Vitra
Monte Carlo by Duvivier
Nardo by Leolux
Nivti by Pode
Oscar by SCP
Oscar Formal by SCP
Ottoman by Ligne Roset
Paipaï by Ligne Roset
Phileas by Ligne Roset
Pianoalto by Zanotta
Ploum by Ligne Roset
Polder by Vitra
Prado by Ligne Roset
Pukka by Ligne Roset
Pumpkin by Ligne Roset
Quilton by HAY
Rego by Leolux
Ruché by Ligne Roset
Shiki by Zanotta
Soft Modular by Vitra
Suita by Vitra
Togo by Ligne Roset
Turia by Pode
William by Zanotta